Contact us

Our mission
Bringing meaningful healthcare solutions to the people of Asia Pacific.


Get in touch with us

Office Locations

New South Wales (Head Office)

5 Orion Road
Lane Cove NSW 2066

General Enquiries: +61 2 9413 6200
Customer Support: 1300 886 385
Technical Services: 1300 654 552

Victoria and Tasmania

3 Anderson Street
West Melbourne VIC 3003

General Enquiries: +61 3 7046 6424
Customer Support: 1300 886 385
Technical Services: 1300 654 552


Unit 4 / 1 Fort Lane
Milton QLD 4064

General Enquiries: +61 7 3077 6560
Customer Support: 1300 886 385
Technical Services: 1300 654 552

South Australia

Suite 7 / 227-235 Unley Road
Malvern SA 5061

General Enquiries: +61 8 8301 4000
Customer Support: 1300 886 385
Technical Services: 1300 654 552

Western Australia

6 Gould Street
Osborne Park WA 6017

General Enquiries: +61 8 9423 8600
Customer Support: 1300 886 385
Technical Services: 1300 654 552